About the project:
We firmly believe that every project enriches our experience no matter how small, but we certainly take it as a big compliment when companies with a long tradition and significant successes in the domestic and foreign markets place their trust in us.
We want to show you one such project – a collaboration with the company Kutjevo d.d., for which, together with our partners, we completed a complex project regarding the 3D measuring and construction of furniture, which we’ll briefly describe below.
The area of the archive that you see in the pictures is located inside a cistern that was once used for wine. This area is surrounded by shelves for storing bottles of wine, while in the center is a tasting table with chairs.
Flexijet operator for measurement and preparation of measurement drawings: Articus d.o.o. i Flexijet 3D mjerenje
Crafting and assembling the shelves: Articus d.o.o.
The main project contractor: L-projekt d.o.o.

Project summary
We were tasked with creating a perfectly precise measurements due to the specific shape of the archive space (cistern), as well as the manufacturing and installation of shelves and covers made of compact panels. This is where our high precision tool named Flexijet enters the stage. Flexijet perfectly completed all of the neccessary 3D measurements, while the design and modeling was implemented in the SolidWorks 3D program.
The last step was the production of masks and shelves on CNC machines according to plans and programs based on the 3D measurements.
- Time required for conventional measurement: impossible to determine
- Time required with Flexijet - 2.5 hours
- Saving time and money: immeasurable
- Efficiency and accuracy: immeasurable