Measuring the roof truss in Hamburg

Mjerenje krovne rešetke

Project description

Mr. Kai Beck from Aufmassprofi in Hamburg accepted the task to complete the measurement of the roof structure on site and deliver the final CAD file to the client. This building, which is protected as cultural heritage, suffered significant fire damage. It was crucial to accurately measure the damaged roof structure in order to carefully plan its restoration.

Contractor: Gospodin Kai Beck, Hamburg
Client: Privatni investitor

Mjerenje krovne rešetke

Project summary

In their initial budget for the restoration, the client had given 40 hours to complete the site survey.
After just 7 hours of surveying with the Flexijet 3D system, Kai Beck was able to create an accurate and detailed 3D CAD file.

Flexijet measurements

Flexijet measurements